maxime Girardin

rue Anatole de la Forge - 2020 - Anthotype Spiruline - 10 x15cm

rue de Medicis - 2020 - Anthotype Spiruline - 5 x10cm

rue Gay-Lussac - 2020 - Anthotype Spiruline - 13 x17cm

rue saint Jacques - 2020 - Anthotype Spiruline - 10 x15cm

Avenue de la Grande Armée - 2020 - Anthotype Spiruline - 10 x15cm

Plant ruins whose "nibbled" shape is frozen in its original, lost. The past colour gives a final glow to a disappearing form.

Contact printing in an imagesetter, use of spirulina as a photosensitive agent.

Eng / fr
