maxime Girardin

Origine 1 - 2017 - Anthotype Tree Leaf - 15 x20cm

Origine 2 - 2017 - Anthotype Gincko Biloba Tree Leaf - 15 x20cm

Origine 3 - 2017 - Anthotype Houttunyia Cordata Tree Leaf - 15 x20cm

Tree leaf becomes support of the image, plant material, random and unique.
The fragility of the medium, the uncertainty of its preservation over time and its irreversible degradation are all definitions of Memory. Memory of the origin, of the ancient belonging to the immobile, maternal entity, Tree.

This process involves preserving the plant material away from natural light to prevent the contrasts from fading. The image is the result of a print produced by contact with sunlight (UV), which causes the chlorophyll to depigment.
This process does not involve any mechanical printing or industrial chemistry.

Works represented in the Target Gallery - Ephemera Exhibition - 2017 - Virginie USA
Jury Prize - Salon de Printemps Maire du V - 2017 - Paris

Eng / fr
