maxime Girardin

Paroi - 2020 - paper "from pocket", backlit display - 18 x26 cm

Lignes et plan - 2019 - paper "from pocket" - 18 x26 cm

Lignes et plan - 2019 - paper "from pocket" - 18 x26 cm

Lignes et plan - 2019 - paper "from pocket" - 18 x26 cm

Lignes et plan - 2019 - paper "from pocket" - 18 x26 cm

Photographic works produced on paper made from recycled paper, in particular city maps, road maps and 'pocket' papers: travel tickets, shopping receipts, handkerchiefs... objects of use, slumbering in the depths of our pockets. The neglected material of everyday life, passively stored in the textile cavities of our clothes. Objects of travel, of use, of movement... of identity.

Eng / fr
